DS2003CM, Массив биполярных транзисторов, дарлингтона, NPN The DS2003CM is a Bipolar Transistor Array comprises seven high voltage, high current NPN Darlington transistor pairs. All units feature a common emitter and open collector outputs. To maximize their effectiveness, these units contain suppression diodes for inductive loads and appropriate emitter base resistors for leakage. The device has a series base resistor to each Darlington pair, thus allowing operation directly with TTL or CMOS operating at supply voltages of 5V. The device offers solutions to a great many interface needs, including solenoids, relays, lamps, small motors and LEDs. Applications requiring sink currents beyond the capability of a single output may be accommodated by paralleling the outputs.
• High output voltage
• High output current
• TTL, PMOS, CMOS Compatible
• Suppression diodes for inductive loads
• Extended temperature range
Полупроводники — ДискретныеТранзисторыБиполярные Транзисторы